HAL-PC Board of Directors
Houston Area League of PC Users
Minutes for January 22, 2013
Board of Directors Meeting
Houston Area League of PC Users, Inc.
4543 Post Oak Place
Houston, Texas77027
Attendees (9):
Christian Hanlon |
President |
Erika Hanlon |
First V.P. |
John Furby |
V.P. Programs |
Mike Wilson |
V.P. Communications |
Jerald Linsley |
Treasurer (absent) |
Greg Brewer |
Recording Secretary |
Gail Reaben |
Executive Committee (absent) |
Bill Budell |
Director (absent) |
Will Jameson |
Director (absent) |
Jim Lavis |
Director |
John Molson |
Director (absent) |
Annette Story |
Director |
Jim Story |
Director |
Dennis Waltman |
Director (absent) |
- Call to order at 7:33p.m.
- Approval of Minutes
Approval of Minutes for regular BOD meeting held on November 27, 2012
Motion to approve minutes as corrected by Jim Story. Passed.
Approval of Minutes for regular BOD meeting held on December 18, 2012 without quorum
Motion to approve minutes by Jim Story. Passed.
Executive Committee Activities Report
- Executive Committee did not meet in December.
Finance Report by Annette Story
- Annette raised questions about a letter received by the IRS. She had last heard that
Jerald was going to ask Angie if she had the green card proving our letter to them
was received. Angie was unavailable today for a status update.
- Two status reports are supposed to be presented at Saturday's meeting. Annette does not
know the status of this.
Saturday meeting.
- The big thing is the voting on changes to the bylaws. There are seven different motions and
it will be the last thing we do. Karl will do a presentation. Annette has reservations
about notice being given correctly. She also questioned it because the final report from
the committee on the suggested changes was not voted on by the board. Chris stated he did
not believe this was a requirement. She was also concerned that there has not been enough
conferring with people with election experience. We also need to consider extending voting
until some point after the end of the meeting.
MOTION: Change end of voting to 9am Monday unless vetoed by Carla; voting will end at
the end of the meeting if Carla reasonably believes this is a bad idea. By Jim S. Passed.
It was pointed out that there is a time problem with the motion; the end of voting would
occur at the same time HAL offices open. If someone needs to vote from HAL, they could
MOTION: Change end of voting to noon Monday by Greg. Passed.
Mail Server Issues
When mail goes down, authentication goes down. Unknow if memory is a problem. TAC has not
reported on the problem and has given answering any questions its lowest priority. Some
ideas where considered on how to address that; not all were 100% serious. No decisions were
reached. HALNET committee will be meeting Saturday afternoon.
Other business. At November executive committee meeting, it was suggested cutting back
on email only customers
While allowing existing mail only customers from retain current services, we want to limit
email only customers. Customers that decide to drop DSL must be members to retain their
email accounts.
MOTION: To from now on if you want any future email service must be tied to membership
or HALNET. By Christian. Seconded by Mike. Passed.
- Adjourned at 9:08pm.