HAL-PC Board of Directors
October 22, 2009
Unapproved minutes of the October 22, 2009 regular Board of Directors Meeting.
Any corrections, changes, additions to these minutes will be provided following approval of the minutes by the Board.
MINUTES OF October 22, 2009
Houston Area League of PC Users, Inc.
4543 Post Oak Place
Houston, Texas 77027
John Furby, President
Rick Archibald, First Vice President (SIGs)
Robert Stewart, Vice President Programs (absent)
Allan Holtzmann, Vice President Communications (absent)
Annette Story, Recording Secretary
(vacant) Membership Secretary
George Vaughn, Treasurer
Chris Rea,d Executive Committee
Jim Ward, Executive Committee
Will Beazley, Director
Greg Brewer, Director
Kelly Brown, Director
Mark E Crain, Director
T. Norman Croo,k Director
Robert Gunn, Director
Kojo Idrissa, Director
Michael J. Lempel, Director
Jerald Linsley, Director
Mary Ann Mitscherling, Director
John Molso,n Director
Robert Spotswood, Director
Jim Story, Director
Russell Vesey, Director (absent)
5 HAL-PC members
I.The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, John Furby presiding.
II.Motion to approve the minutes as corrected for the regular meeting held on September 24, 2009, was made by Jim Ward. A second was made by Jim Story and the motion passed.
President, John Furby
- Non-profit insurance for Property Liability--Hartford is due this month. The Non-profit Directors and Officers (D & O) Insurance is due next month. ARCH Insurance has asked for additional financial information and we are waiting for a response.
- John stated that perhaps we should wait until the D & O insurance has been renewed before the election of Board Member and Membership Secretary.
- The Bandwidth service agreement with The Aldridge Company, Inc. (TAC) has been signed.
- We discussed having the January General Meeting on the 5th Saturday, January 30, 2010.
- John stated that Jim Ward is the Chair of the new Adhoc Colocation Committee thathe had designated and read to the assembly Article VIII. COMMITTEES, Section A. A motion to approve members will be addressed later.
- The proposed HAL-PC holiday schedule for 2009 is as follows:
Thanksgiving: Close Headquarters Wed 11/25 at 6:00 p.m.,Thursday 11/26,Fri 11/27,Sat 11/28,Sun 11/29,Open Headquarters Mon 11/30 at 9:00a.m.
Christmas: Close Headquarters Wed 12/23 at 6:00p.m.,Thurs 12/24,Fri 12/25,Sat 12/26,Sun 12/27,Open Headquarters Mon 12/28 at 9:00 p.m.
New Years: Close Headquarters Wed 12/30 at 9:00 p.m.,Thurs 12/31,Fri 01/01,Sat 01/02,Sun 01/03,Open Mon 01/04 at 9:00a.m.
7.The Executive Committee has been discussing Security. Nothing firm yet but have discussed closing the outside door at 7:30 p.m.
First Vice-President, Rick Archibald
- Rick Archibald announced statistics for the month of October as follows: Membership down 38 members, DSL down 14 subscribers, dial up down 29, email only is up, filtering is 28 down. This information comes off the HAL-PC Website.
- Rick stated that there were 63 SIG meetings that turned in sign-in sheets for a total of 697 signatures, 20 visitors, 54 members did not know their member number.
- As chair of the Bandwidth Project, Rick stated again "...that the service order with TAC had been signed. Set up fee [was] paid and the wiring, as we speak may be getting complete. Three vendors have been notified and various negotiations started to get the terminations done as quickly and cheaply as possible." Texlink is one of those that has perhaps $1800 more in savings being initiated with them as an outgrowth but not directly involved in the bandwidth purchase. "It was just a good time to review our capacity with facing declining usage."
Vice President Programs, Robert Stewart
- John Furby reported that Robert Stewart would be working on the General Meeting Program, January 30, 2010.
Treasurer, George Vaughn
- George Vaughn stated that HAL-PC is in the same static situation [financially] as last month. We have about a $50,000 cash balance and numerous bills to pay. We are making progress in reducing expenses. We have a backlog of penalties that we are working on. More cost reductions are needed in the coming year in line with the declining balance trend.
- George answered a question about taxes: Taxes have not been filed but we are close to final numbers so we can file. The notices we received about the lease we have talked with Dorothy McDonald of RM Crowe.
- We know where we are cash wise. Profit & Loss wise there have been an increase in loses as we continue to find unpaid bills and posting those to the right period. It is now a question o reconciling a few things making sure the Quick Books amounts are consistent to the cash reconciliations before we assign numbers and file tax returns.
Real Estate Committee Chair, Jim Ward
- Jim Ward said that we still haven't heard back from RM Crowe about the status. He has been emailing Dorothy McDonald on a weekly basis. The answer last week was that the Assets Manager was out of town.
- Mary Ann Mitscherling asked about the status of possibly being able to use the new Boy Scount facility [as a meeting place]. The answer was that through inquiries the answer is probably no. A short discussion about possibilities followed.
IV.New Business
- A motion was made by Jim Ward to accept the resignation of Al Greene [submitted on October 8, 2009]. Motion was seconded by Jim Story. Discussion included the proper procedure concerning resignations. Jim Ward called for the question. The motion on the floor to accept Al Greene's resignation passed.
- Jim Story moved that we table activity [to elect a Board Member] until we have the insurance in place. It was seconded. After discussion, Jim Story called the question. The motion passed 10 in favor and 6 opposed.
- Rick Archibald moved to table the election of the Membership Secretary until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Jim Story seconded it and it passed.
- Annette Story moved to approve members of the Adhoc Colocation Committee and was seconded by Jim Story. Discussion included the urgency of the question of colocation, what the scope of the committee was, how long it would take for the committee to accomplish its goals, and its priority including daily work on it. Jim Story called the question of approving the members of the Adhoc Colocation Committee. The motion passed.
- After John Furby reviewed the proposed Holiday Schedule, the question was called and it passed with no opposition.
- No presentation was made concerning the facility but the floor was opened for questions. Asked by Mary Ann Mitscherling what was the last conclusion of the configuration wanted at the current facility and the size. John Furby and Rick Archibald described the division and Jim Ward stated that HAL-PC's proposal to keep was 53%.
V.Old Business
- The motion to set the Board of Directors meetings for the rest of 2009 to November 19 and December 17, 2009, and one in 2010 to January 27 was made by Jim Story and seconded by Jim Ward. Jim Ward called the question and the motion passed.
VI.Jim Ward moved to adjourn at 7:48 p.m. Motion was seconded by Will Beazley and passed.
Annette Story
HAL-PC Recording Secretary