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Welcome to the October edition of the HAL-PC monthly member eBulletin. If you wish to stop receiving these bulletins, send an email to e-bulletin-off@hal-pc.org. This month: Protect Your PC, Computer Literacy Event, Great Browser Shootout, Classes, Volunteer of the Month, Magazine. |
This is a repeat of the notice from the June eBulletin. Once again, there is a virus going around currently that appears to come from the HALNet staff. It has one of a variety of subject lines that refer to account suspension or requests that you confirm your account information. It may appear to come from mail.hal-pc.org, or webmaster@hal-pc.org. It may be 'signed' by the 'Hal-pc security department'. You may be asked to open an attachment or follow a link
Please note, as always, that no communication from HALNet is ever signed 'Hal-pc'. This is a sure indication that the email is fake. The virus reads the domain name (in our case, hal-pc.org), strips off the 'org' and assumes that the ISP is called 'hal-pc'.
If you receive any suspicious communication, contact the office at 713-993-3300 rather that assuming it is genuine.
Saturday, October 22, 1:30 - 4:30 pm |
We live in a computer driven society that is essentially computer illiterate. Those who understand computers are unable to explain much to those who don't understand them." So says Bill Stewart, director of the Leisure Learning Unlimited Computer Center and computer literacy advocate. Bill will be giving a talk entitled "Everything You Ought to Know About Computers But Didn't Know You Needed to Ask." He will be discussing the facts and myths surrounding this controversial issue. Are you computer literate? What does it mean to be computer literate? Whether you are struggling to keep up with technology or you have it well in hand and wonder why everyone else is having problems, expect a lively and thought-provoking--maybe even contentious--time.
When: | Thursday Oct 27th 7pm-9pm (doors open at 6:30 pm) |
Invitees: | HAL-PC Members and General Public |
Where: | HAL-PC Headquarters, 4543 Post Oak Place, Suite 200 |
Map link: | http://www.hal-pc.org/map.html
What: | Three Champions will "SHOOT" it out and promote their favorite browser. The advantages/disadvantages of three major windows Internet browsers will be discussed and debated. Topics include browser security, functionality, and special features.
Browser | Gunslinger |
Internet Explorer | Modem Bob (aka Outlaw Bob) |
Firefox (Mozilla) | Robert Spotswood (aka Robert Leroy Parker, aka Butch Cassidy) |
Opera | Rick Archibald (aka John Wesley Hardin, aka Sundance) |
| Upcoming Classes - HAL-PC Headquarters
NEW CLASS!! By popular demand, we are starting a series of classes on the 'ins and outs of eBay'. Now you can learn to sell on eBay with 'Ease Into eBay: Selling on eBay' In this two part hands on course, you will learn how to select merchandise to put up for auction. How best to time insertion of your auctions. In the first class, items and cameras will be available so that you can actually list an auction. You will have it close during the 2nd class. Contact the office at 713-993-3302 for more information on our eBay classes.
Map To Facility
Starting October 24
Moving to Linux
Instructor: Rick Archibald
Starting October 25
Quickbooks 2
Instructor: Marie Jones
Starting November 1
Introduction to MS Office
Instructor: Bear Jones
Starting November 8
Windows XP Intermediate
Instructor: Bear Jones
Mini-course Saturday, Oct 29th, 9:30 am to noon, "Scanning for Everyone (Upgraded)". Must be HAL-PC member to attend. $5.00 collected at the door. Call Office to sign up (281) 316-0768. For information on this and other Clear Lake Mini-Courses, see the Clear Lake Mini-Course web page.
Check the HAL-PC home page for information on presentations for regularly scheduled SIGs.
There are many different SIGs at HAL-PC that specialize in the alphabet soup of technology. From A+ to zip drives, you are sure to find something that sparks your interest. But, one particular SIG and SIG leader stands out amongst the rest primarily due to it's combination of simplicity and variety. Every month, THE FOR EVERYONE SIGs focuses on a different area of computer learning. The SIG leader, Robert du Vernay, member of HAL-PC since 1992, gives of his time and knowledge of various subjects such as CD and DVD burning and VHS conversion. Plus, he's certainly no dummy! For these efforts, he honor him as our October Volunteer of the Month.
Look for your monthly online edition of the HAL-PC Magazine featuring Trumors, reviews, and more! |
HAL-PC Monthly eBulletin ©2005 Houston Area League of PC Users, Inc.
All rights reserved |